Probably the best decision I made in NZ was hiring you to manage our property - thank you so much.

Spoke with the lawyer you recommended this afternoon he will now be acting on my behalf just to ensure all is above board and being handled correctly.  When I am in NZ next I hope to be able to catch up and at least buy you lunch to thank you in person. In the mean time have a great weekend.

Milford Property owner. 2014. 

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IQ Property Management Ltd

Office hours

Monday - Friday 9am - 5.00pm.
We conduct after-hour property viewings including evenings and weekends. 


Office +64 (9) 625 5165

Mobile 021 735 266


Use our contact form below we will respond within 1 working day.

Physical Address

Suite 106, 23 Edwin Street, Mt Eden, Auckland.

Postal Address

PO Box 26-120, Epsom, Auckland, 1344.